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Unit 4: Module 4: Multiplication and division of fractions and decimal fractions

2,700 possible mastery points
Not started
Unit test

About this unit

"In Module 4, students learn to multiply fractions and decimal fractions, and begin working with fraction division. Topic A opens the module with an exploration of fractional measurement. Students construct line plots by measuring the same objects using three different rulers accurate to 12 , 14 , and 18 of an inch (5.MD.2)." Eureka Math/EngageNY (c) 2015 GreatMinds.org

Level up on the above skills and collect up to 320 Mastery points
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 320 Mastery points
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 560 Mastery points
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 800 Mastery points
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 160 Mastery points
Up next for you:

Unit test

Level up on all the skills in this unit and collect up to 2,700 Mastery points!