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Why use Khan Academy?

Challenges faced by the teacher while teaching maths

Challenge 1 - Lack of comprehensive and reliable resources to share with students.

  • Let's begin with a solution to the first challenge. We at Khan Academy provide content aligned to the curriculum standards.
  • Focusing on one skill at a time we bring to you a wide variety of exercises to test each skill. And these exercises can be attempted multiple times.
  • Our platform gives instant feedback for encouragement and support through hints and videos for reference.

Challenge 2 - Difficulty in tracking student progress

  • Khan Academy helps solve this challenge by providing clear detailed reports on students' progress. This helps teachers recognize and appreciate students' performance. According to the reports, teachers can decide which level to assign each student.

Challenge 3 - Catering to students of different learning levels

  • Despite identifying the learning levels of a student, A teacher could find it difficult in catering to each one of them.
  • Khan Academy is extremely useful to personalise student learning.
  • Teachers can assign content as per student learning levels. Like if two students have difficulty with two different concepts, then the teacher can assign each student different exercises.

Courses /Content available on Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a mastery-based platform with content aligned and mapped to your state or NCERT curriculum.
  • We focus on Math and Science for Grades KG to 12th Grades with content in English and in multiple Indian languages including Punjabi, Marathi, and Hindi.
  • The class is divided into different units, just like chapters in your book. For each unit you can see different topics or lessons. Each lesson consists of videos, exercises and quizzes. At the end of every unit there is a unit test.
  • The course starts with mastery points and ends with a course challenge.
We hope you are trying out the activities suggested. Share your feedback here.

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