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Discover how teachers are using assignments

Want to learn how educators are using assignments to provide targeted practice to students? This is your chance to get advice directly from teachers! Created by Shannon Sallis.

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(upbeat music) - Khan Academy was a game changer for me because I didn't have to flip through four different books or find the right page or find the right worksheet. I can go to Khan Academy and you know, we're in the age of digital technology. So I can go with Khan Academy and put in that search bar, a particular concept I'm gonna look at, or I can look in multiple grade levels depending on where my students are at, and I can find an assignment that fits just for them. So it saves me a lot of time and planning because I'm not having to spend 20 minutes and hunting at this game or this software or this workbook page, I can go straight to Khan Academy, it's a one-stop shop. (upbeat music) - After teaching my math lesson to students, I will then provide them with a variety of activities for them to practice the skills that they've learned. Khan Academy has become a staple in this practice activity time. I often assign students the assignments right through Khan, using my Khan Academy classrooms. From there, sometimes I assign the same problems to students that way they can work collaboratively and discuss answers and work together. Sometimes I will assign students a different set of questions, that way they're really truly working independently and testing their own skills. (upbeat music) - Another way that I use the assignments is part of our guided math instruction, when the students are not working directly with myself, they have a checklist and a rubric that they work on, and one component of every single rubric are Khan Academy videos that are tailored to what they individually need. With my assignments, they vary based on if I'm working with my high-flyers, my medium or my struggling students. However, when I assign something for the rubric, I always assign at least two videos and two corresponding activities. So they're at least watching a minimum of two videos, learning or reviewing how to do the concept, and then they're gonna directly practice. (upbeat music) - So I recently assigned to my AP Calculus AP students a volume of a solid created by cross sections on squares and rectangles, and I also assigned the volume for solid with cross sections, with triangles, and semicircles, so they were two different skills, and I simply divided these two lessons as two separate days when I teach. So after every lesson, I assign these practice assignments as an exit ticket actually, so that they can just practice it, at the same time, I can use that skill, use that grade as like an exit ticket so that I make sure they have enough practice before I move on to the next level. (upbeat music) - I encourage my teachers to use it as an intervention to go in and give assignments for practice, also use it as a data for assessing. So when the students work on an assignment for Khan Academy, they're giving a student data tracker. So that gives them that responsibility, they're responsible to track their data because their end goal is the same as the teacher's end goal. So the teacher has their data tracker or their data notebook, and the students have a student tracker as well. (upbeat music) - I give my students the idea of having a growth mindset and with Khan Academy, they can go through practice assignments quickly, and even when they get questions wrong, they can redo assignments and they can still improve their score. So I will give them an assignment and even if they don't score exactly what they would like to score, they continue to grow and look into it more until they get their score to the point that they want it to be at.