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Key steps to get you started on Khan Academy

Below are the steps you need to follow to start using Khan Academy in your classroom.
Set up your teacher account
This task will take about 5 to 10 minutes, and should be completed independently — no student involvement is necessary for this task. Teachers need to signup/login on Khan Academy through their email or Facebook accounts.
Create your class on Khan Academy
This task should take about 5 to 10 minutes, and should be completed independently — no student involvement is necessary for this task. Once teachers have created their accounts on Khan Academy, they need to create their classes on Khan Academy platform. This is an important step as teachers can then add students to their class and assign homework to them.
Create your student accounts
This task should take about 15 to 30 minutes per class, and should be completed independently — no student involvement is necessary for this task. Once teachers have created classes on the Khan Academy platform, they need to add students to their classes. In order to add students, teachers need to create their accounts on Khan Academy.
These student accounts will give a virtual presence to the students on the platform. After teachers share the login credentials with their students, they can use the same credentials to work on the homework assigned by their teachers.
Alternatively, teachers can also share their unique class code with the students. In this case, students can signup themselves on Khan Academy and be a part of the class by joining through the class code shared by their teacher.
Plan for your first practice session
This task should take about 10 to 15 minutes per class, and should be completed independently — no student involvement is necessary for this task. Teachers can now assign the homework to the students they have added to their class from the course(s) they added to their class while creating them.
  • Teachers can assign a combination of videos and exercises to their students as homework. This could mean assigning a few lessons, individual pieces of content, or the entire unit.
  • Teachers can also assign the entire Maths book for homework. This is called assigning mastery goal on Khan Academy. It's like assigning the entire grade as homework to the students. Students can solve the exercises, quizzes, or unit tests and watch the videos at their own pace and time. Assigning mastery goal would take roughly 2 to 3 minutes. Teachers are suggested to assign a longer due date when they assign mastery goal.
Teachers should be able to get on to our platform in less than 60 minutes by following the simple steps above!
Still need help?
Don’t worry, it takes a few attempts to get to complete implementation. Please complete this Khan for Educators course to get started on Khan Academy platform. You can choose either the Hindi or English version of the same course.
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