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State building: Roman empire


Before answering the question, read the following passage.
"After the establishment of one-man rule at the end of the first century BCE, for more than two hundred years there is no significant history of change at Rome. Autocracy represented, in a sense, an end of history. Of course there were all kind of events, battles, assassinations, political stand-offs, new initiatives and inventions; and the participants would have have all kinds of exciting stories to tell and disputes to argue. But unlike the story of the development of the Republic and the growth of imperial power, which revolutionised almost every aspect of the world of Rome, there was no fundamental change in the structure of Roman politics, empire, or society between the end of the first century BCE and the end of the second century CE."
From Mary Beard, SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome (New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2015), 335-336.
What is Beard’s claim about how the creation of the Roman Empire affected continuity and change in Rome?
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