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Lesson summary: Ancient Rome

Key terms

patricianclass of social and political elites
plebianclass of common people
consulRoman chief executive office; two consuls were elected each year and served as the military and political leaders of Rome.
Senatepolitical body made up of former Roman office-holders that offered advice to the consuls
latifundialarge farms owned by wealthy Romans
denariusstandard Roman currency
aqueductstructures used to carry water across long distances to cities
Augustusfirst ruler of the Roman Empire; he established an autocratic form of government, where he was the sole ruler.

Key dates

509 BCE —27 BCEDuration of the Roman Republic
27 BCE—476 CEDuration of the Roman Empire (Western)
27 BCE - 180 CEPax Romana, or “Roman Peace,” the period during which Rome was relatively stable and war was infrequent
Map of the extent of the Roman Empire over various time periods.
Map of the extent of the Roman Empire over various time periods. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Key themes

Economics: Like all ancient societies, the Roman economy was largely based on agriculture. Rome achieved a high level of urbanization, development, and specialization. Through its expansion of territory and the economy, Rome was able to maintain a large and powerful military.
State building: States adapted to changing circumstances and adopted different functions. The Roman Republic had a complex system of government that incorporated diverse elements of democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy. The Roman Empire eventually replaced the Republic, but it maintained many elements of the old Republican government. Part of Rome’s success as an empire was due to its willingness to incorporate conquered enemies as Roman citizens.

Review questions

  • How was Rome's expansion similar to or different from the expansion of other classical period states?
  • What elements of the Roman Republic continued during the Roman Empire?
  • What elements of the Roman Republic changed with the creation of the Roman Empire?

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