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Focus on social structures: gender in medieval Muslim societies


Before answering the question below, read the following passage:
"There are myriad historical, geographical, socioeconomic, religious-doctrinal, and legal differences within the category of women and Islam. Much of the variation in the situations of women in the Muslim world is governed by class as well as religious, ethnic, and social considerations. Women of the same social class have similar life experiences across ethnic, national, or religious lines. Wealthy women and working-class women in different societies may have more in common with one another than with women of other classes in their own communities. In addition, women who are Muslims are affected by non-Muslim practices, beliefs, and cultures."
From Ira M. Lapidus, A History of Islamic Societies. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Which of the following best summarizes the argument of this passage?
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