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The Apocalypse: unit vocabulary

This is a list of some noteworthy vocabulary you'll find in this unit! Some are related to the unit topic, and others are generally useful academic words.
You'll know some of the words already, and some may be new. Take some time to familiarize yourself with them all before you get started on the passages and exercises in the unit.
Word: apocalypse
  • Definition: the end of the world
  • Sample Sentence: Miriam wondered if she was witnessing the apocalypse when she saw the ground behind her collapse into a massive sinkhole.
Word: bulk
  • Definition: the huge size of something
  • Sample Sentence: Pedro stumbled backward when the angry bulk of an alien emerged from behind the top-secret government facility.
Word: deliberation
  • Definition: carefully discussing, or thinking about, something.
  • Sample Sentence: The deliberation between the nuclear scientists continued until everyone had weighed in on the current situation.
Word: derelict
  • Definition: run down, in a state of disrepair
  • Sample Sentence: Caden dashed inside a derelict barn to hide—the roof looked in danger of falling in at any moment, but he had to escape from the fifteen-eyed, hairy, purple monster somehow.
Word: exposure
  • Definition: defenselessness; putting in danger
  • Sample Sentence: After his exposure to the alien virus, Kwami began developing strange powers.
Word: inarticulate
  • Definition: not able to speak well or clearly
  • Sample Sentence: I tried to tell my parents what I'd just seen, but I was totally inarticulate due to being freaked out by my encounter with the zombie pandas.
Word: luminous
  • Definition: glowing; bright
  • Sample Sentence: Before Australia disappeared, a luminous cloud appeared on the horizon, blinding all that gazed upon it.
Word: petrified
  • Definition: shocked, startled, or terrified
  • Sample Sentence: As the buzzing cloud of nanobots descended on New York City, office workers looked out of their high rise windows, petrified with terror.
Word: project
  • Definition: extend out from something else
  • Sample Sentence: What was that projecting from out of the top of the alien's head? It looked like a tiny umbrella, but it was part of its body ...
Word: scant
  • Definition: a very small amount
  • Sample Sentence: There had been scant evidence that the dragons were planning an attack, and it took most citizens by total surprise.
Word: simultaneous
  • Definition: happening at the same time
  • Sample Sentence: The simultaneous reports across the world made the news of the Martian invasion indisputable.
Word: tumultuous
  • Definition: violent, hectic, disorderly
  • Sample Sentence: Rafaela thought back over the day: it had certainly been a tumultuous one. An earthquake, making friends with an alien, and jumping down a waterfall to escape from a tiger.
Word: terrestrial
  • Definition: relating to Earth, or the land
  • Sample Sentence: After the mega-tsunami hit, the terrestrial landscape was unrecognizable—all the plants and buildings had been swept away.

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