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The Moon: reading informational text; Effects of the Moon 2


Read the passage, then answer the practice question.

Why Are There Tides?

Summer at the Beach

It's summer at the beach. You build the perfect sandcastle. Oh, no! Suddenly, a wave knocks it down. The water is getting closer and closer, so you grab your towel and run. But why does this happen?
Picture 1: the moon’s gravity pulls the water towards it, creating high tides.


The tide, or ocean level, goes up and down every day. High tides and low tides are caused by the moon. The moon's gravity pulls things towards it. This pull makes the earth's water
or push out. This happens on the side that is closest to the moon, and on the side farthest from the moon too. These bulges of water are high tides.
As the earth spins around, your part of the earth passes through both of these bulges each day. When you're in one of the bulges, you get a high tide. When you're not in one of the bulges, you get a low tide. This cycle of two high tides and two low tides continues almost every day on most of the coastlines of the world.
Picture 2: the same shoreline at high tide (left) and at low tide (right)

Practice question

What information did you learn from picture 2 that helped you understand the text?
Choose 1 answer: