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Congruence & transformations


Jerome was curious if ABC was congruent to FED, so he tried to map one triangle onto the other using transformations:
A coordinate plane. The x- and y-axes both scale by one. A pre-image Triangle A B C has point A at nine, six, point B at nine, two, and Point C at fourteen, five. Another triangle D E F has point D at two, twelve, point E at seven, ten, and point F at seven, fourteen. Triangle A B C is translated two units to the left and eight units up to form the image Triangle A prime at seven, fourteen, B prime at seven, ten, and C prime at twelve, thirteen.
Jerome concluded:
"It's not possible to map ABC onto FED using a sequence of rigid transformations, so the triangles are not congruent."
What error did Jerome make in his conclusion?
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