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Student story: Prioritizing size, campus, major, and selectivity in the college search

In this video, the student shares their personal college search experience, emphasizing the importance of considering factors like school size, campus environment, and program reputation. They also mention the advice they received: if you're not getting rejected from some colleges, you're not pushing yourself far enough. This encourages applying to a mix of "reach" schools and safer options.

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Video transcript

- Definitely a lot of factors you have to take into consideration. I personally wanted a smaller school mainly because I like that one-on-one connection with the professor where they know you by your first name. And definitely the campus... What they're known for. If you want to major in engineering you might want to look for a school that has good programs in that field. Lastly, my mentor told me "If you're not getting rejected from your colleges that you apply to, you're not pushing yourself far enough", and that kinda just encouraged me to go from the school that I knew I would get into... Say I have a group of five schools that I know I'm gonna get into, probably just apply to three of those, and then go for two reaches.