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Student story: Extracurriculars that are nontraditional

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Video transcript

- So even though I didn't participate in many of the traditional extracurricular activities, I did play a large part in my family. My nephews lived with us while I was in high school, and I watched them a lot. I wanted my parents to come home to a house that was calm and tranquil and somewhere that they could somewhat relax, and I didn't want them to be doing all of the work just because my parents worked five days ... well, my mom worked five days a week, and my dad worked six days a week, and they deserved the break, and it was important for me to be able to help them. I realized that when I was doing the college application process, that this was considered an extracurricular because it's something that has shaped me and my experience, so I was able to put that on my college application process, not only in the extracurriculars, but I also wrote about it in my personal statement, and that was an experience that was unique to me, an experience that not everyone had, and I was, hopefully, able to stand out to my Admissions Officer.