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Empires before World War I

Austria-Hungary. Ottoman empire. British, German, French and Russian empires.  For extra coverage of World War 1 outside the scope of the AP course, click here. Created by Sal Khan.

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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user vjap
    at around Sal mentioned the word annexed. What does annexed mean?
    (381 votes)
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  • male robot hal style avatar for user Adam Davies
    What were the Germans colonies
    (16 votes)
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    • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Sascha von Papen
      In Africa:
      German East Africa
      Kionga Triangle
      German South West Africa
      German West Africa

      In Oceania:
      German New Guinea
      Bismarck Archipelago
      German Solomon Islands
      Bougainville Island
      German Micronesia

      In Asia:
      Kiautschou Bay concession

      If you have anymore questions or need more detail, comment below...
      (36 votes)
  • leaf grey style avatar for user joseph picasso
    what about the great spanish empire
    (2 votes)
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    • male robot hal style avatar for user Aharon Levi
      Ever since Philip II they were on a slow decline (compared to the other European nations) for several reasons:
      1. the defeat of the armada left them less militarily powerful - compared to England and France in particular, who eclipsed Spain in terms of wealth and power.
      2. less capable rulers followed Philip and were unable to manage the vast empire as well.
      3. a poor tax policy that did not support entrepreneurship and businesses which led to a weaker and less developed economy.
      4. lack of investment in infrastructure.
      5. their possessions in the "new world" brought much gold and silver but led to high inflation in Spain. Also there was fierce competition for some territories as these became increasingly more difficult and costly to defend. Further, local populations would eventually begin to revolt causing problems for Spain.
      6. they were slow to industrialize - this is connected to number 4 above, and left them at a disadvantage compared with England, France, Germany, Netherlands...
      7. some want to claim that by kicking out the Muslims and Jews they deprived themselves of a key component of their economy from which they never really recovered.

      Just some ideas - hope this helps
      (18 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Hasan.Sheikh.724
    Is Russia in Europe
    (4 votes)
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    • male robot hal style avatar for user Aharon Levi
      Russia is both in Europe and in Asia. About 1/4 of its territory is in Europe, but that part contains about 3/4 of its population. So in a certain sense it is more culturally European, even though most of its territory is in Asia.
      I have heard, though I don't know for sure, that they teach in Russia that Europe and Asia are one large Eurasian continent and don't divide it the way we do in the United States. Thus, to Russians, Russia is on the continent of Eurasia.
      (11 votes)
  • spunky sam green style avatar for user DesiRich7
    Just to be clear World War 1 started because French Archduke was assassinated ?
    (1 vote)
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  • purple pi purple style avatar for user Filip Rosu
    Wasn't the british empire the biggest to have ever existed? I mean they have australia, canada, usa, india, part of souht america, south africa, new zealand etc?
    (4 votes)
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    • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user Jet Simon
      I'm assuming you are referring to the early stages of the British Empire?? Yes they were but not when the British had the US.
      This data below shows it, 3 of the largest empires.
      Its all to their greatest extent.
      British Empire: Max land area (million km^2): 33.7 Max land area (million mi^2): 13.07, 22.63% of the world land area, Era: 1922, Max population (millions):458.0 (in 1938), 20.00% of the world population at that time(458 million out of 2.295 billion in 1938.
      Mongol Empire: Max land area (million km^2): 33.0, Max land area (million mi^2):12.75, 22.14% of the world land area, Era: 1279, Max population (millions):111.0 in 13th century, 25.60% of world population at that time(110.0 million out of 429 million in the 13th century).
      Russian Empire: Max land area (million km^2): 22.8, Max land area (million mi^2):8.80, 15.31% of the world land area, Era: 1866, Max population (millions): 176.4 in 1913, 09.80% of the world population (176.4 million out of 1.791 billion in 1913)
      I covered the top 3 largest empires.
      For more info:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_empires#All_empires_at_their_greatest_extent
      (3 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Oscar Watkins
    Did the Austro-Hungarian empire ever try to take over other territories other than Serbia?
    (3 votes)
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    • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Matsuyama
      Yes. The Austro-Hungarians fought with the Germans against the Russians on the Eastern front. They also fought against the Italians in the Alps and against Romania. In some cases they were successful (Romania and Russia) but Italy was a stalemate for most of the war.
      (5 votes)
  • leaf blue style avatar for user Prisha Dani
    what state started world war 1?
    (2 votes)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user John-Alan Pascoe
      The sequence is as follows:
      Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia
      In response Russia declares war on Austro-Hungarian Empire
      In response Germany declares war on Russia (and probably Serbia as well, but I'm not sure)
      In response France joins Russia
      Germany invades Belguim (which was neutral) to bypass French defenses
      In response Britain joins on the side of France/Russia/Belguim.

      The Austro-Hungarian Empire was the first nation to declare war, but it only really became a world war when Germany, France (and later Britain) joined in. Germany France and Britain had colonies spread all over the world, unlike Austro-Hungary and Russia.

      Of course the treaty of Versailles (which ended WWI) placed most of the blame on Germany, but certainly chronologically speaking that doesn't really make sense.
      (4 votes)
  • starky seedling style avatar for user aidensawyer84
    why was Germany blamed for ww1 when Serbia and Austria-Hungary were the main instigators for ww1. I can understand the Triple Entente being upset that Germany was ready for war so quickly but they didn't start the war.
    (4 votes)
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  • leaf green style avatar for user baysim
    On the map that Sal Khan showed about the Ottoman empire, it shows that the Ottomans exerted some influence on Egypt - although they weren't a vassal kingdom. But later Sal Khan shows another map of imperial territories that indicates that the British owned that Egyptian area (by which Sal later stated that Egypt was essentially independent but still heavily influenced by the British at the same time). These two maps both represent the time right before WWI thus they would both seem to show that those two empires were exerting influence on Egypt at that time. So did the British and the Ottomans exert influence on Egypt simultaneously? And how would such be the case (were there any skirmishes that resulted from that etc.)?
    (3 votes)
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    • spunky sam green style avatar for user History Helper
      Very thoughtful question. The state of Egypt was very complicated in the past. On paper, it was an Ottoman territory while it was the British military overseeing the region. Britain began to exert influence on Egypt as far as late 18th century after defeating the French expedition to Egypt. Although Egypt was nominally returned to the Ottomans, the British realized its important and intervened in its internal matters. The British installed friendly rulers while quenching the opposition. The Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882 turned Egypt more or less into a British puppet. The Ottomans were slowly losing grip, which officially became separated shortly after the outbreak of WW1.
      (3 votes)

Video transcript

A lot of people, including myself, have found the study of World War I to be a little bit confusing sometimes. And I think the reason is is the world was very different leading up to World War I than it is today. And to some degree, the modern world we live in was shaped to a large degree by Word War I and then later World War II. And just to get a sense of what our modern world looks like, and especially what modern Europe looks like, this is a map of modern Europe. But the interesting thing about this map is instead of being the traditional map that you normally see where you just see the country boundaries, the state boundaries, this has the state boundaries right here. And these little gray lines, these show where France ends and, say, Switzerland or Germany or Italy begins. But overlain on top of that we see where the languages are spoken. So this is actually much more focused on, where do people speak French. Where do people speak German? And the thing that you will notice is, for the most part, throughout most of Europe, today's boundaries, the modern boundaries closely, closely match up to where languages are spoken. There are a few areas where there is more of a disconnect with Catalan and Spanish. And actually, that is leading to some issues. But for the most part, in modern Europe, the country boundaries and the linguistic boundaries or the national boundaries kind of match up. If we rewind to the world of entering into World War I, things were very different. Some of the boundaries we recognize. We recognize the United Kingdom. Well, Ireland has since been carved out. But we recognize it as not being that different than it is today. Spain is not that different. France is not that different. Italy is not that different. Germany is a good bit different. In fact, if you take Germany, the German Empire entering into World War I, or the early 1900s, around 1914, between them and the Russian Empire, they essentially were swallowing up a bunch of linguistic groups right over here that now have their own independent states. The other thing that you might notice is this huge state called Austria-Hungary, or often called the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And people say, well, there's-- I'm familiar with some of these nations that have the word Austria and Hungary in them, but I'm not-- what is this Austro-Hungarian Empire? And what's interesting about it is it really was an empire. It was really trying to cobble together all of these folks that spoke all different-- all the different types of ethnicities. This is kind of a zoom-in of the Austro-Hungarian Empire leading into World War I. And the Austro-Hungarian Empire is probably the most important thing to understand if we're trying to get a sense of how World War I started, because leading up to World War I, in 1908, the Austro-Hungarian Empire formally annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. And that's another confusing thing for many of us, that that's actually one country. It's called Bosnia and Herzegovina, or I guess for the Austro-Hungarians that was now one region that they annexed. And what's interesting about that is if you look at the linguistic map, you see that this whole region right over here speaks a very similar-- essentially, they're dialects of Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian. They're all very linguistically and ethnically connected, so this whole region right over here is linguistically and ethnically connected. And what we'll see is, is that this desire to connect people with similar ethnic or linguistic roots-- linguistic backgrounds is what led to a lot of what happened in World War-- or at least was the spark that fueled, that people sometimes say, the powder keg of World War I. The other thing that was a very different or the other country or nation or empire that we are not used to today is the Ottoman Empire. So if we go today, we see the country of Turkey, which is on the Anatolian Peninsula. So this is Turkey right over here. This is modern-day Turkey. But entering into World War I in 1914, Turkey was essentially part of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. So this right over here is what the Ottoman Empire looked like. This right over here is roughly modern-day Turkey. But the Ottoman Empire consisted of modern-day Turkey and much of the modern Middle East. So much of-- especially, much of the Arab-- especially the Arab world around Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, much of what where modern-day Israel is, some of Saudi Arabia. And this was really the dying state of the Ottoman Empire. At its peak, it controlled much of the Muslim world. It controlled Northern Africa as well as all the stuff you see here and even a little bit of Persia and actually a good bit of the Balkans, southeast Europe, and even Greece at the peak of its Ottoman Empire. And now I'm talking about going hundreds and hundreds of years back into the past. So when we enter into World War II, we don't have a world where people are, where states are defined by linguistic boundaries or by ethnic boundaries. To a large degree, we had these empires that had existed as we exited out of the 1800s. And these empires were not just in Europe, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire or not just in the Middle East, like the Ottoman Empire. Right over here is an empire map at around that point in time. And you see, probably the most dominant feature here is the British Empire. That's in this pink color. So British, that's the United Kingdom. Great Britain would just be this right over here. You throw in Ireland. You get the United Kingdom. Great Britain was in control of the Indian, the entire Indian subcontinent. It was essentially although nominally Egypt was somewhat independent, Great Britain had a huge amount of influence here. Obviously places like Canada and Australia and New Zealand were under control of or a part of the British Empire. What a lot of people don't realize is a significant amount of Africa as well. A significant amount of Africa was also under British control. And what we have running up into World War I is kind of a race for empire, an arms race between the major powers of Europe. In particular, you have Great Britain, or the United Kingdom, that obviously had a vast empire. The sun never sets on the British Empire. And it wasn't ever setting on this empire that we just saw here. And the German Empire was also starting to flex its muscle and starting to militarize. And the more that the German saw that the British were militarizing, the more that the British-- the more that the Germans would want to militarize and vice versa, and you just had this arms race. And they were all trying to build their empires. So the Germans, they were present in Africa. You have the French who were present in much of Africa. And you have to remember all of this in context. Some of this empire building was, frankly, just about ego and just about spreading someone's influence, spreading their power. A lot of it was based on ethnic beliefs about civilization. I guess these were rationalization to take control of other people's resources. And a lot of it was we were in a world where access to resources-- in particular, access to raw materials and especially oil-- could, to some degree, define whether a power was a power at all. And so with that, I think we have a pretty good basis for the state of affairs as we enter into World War I.