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Jacques Cousteau
The question following these texts has two parts. Make sure to answer Parts A and B.
Text 1:
Jacques Cousteau, who lived from 1910-1997, was a French naval officer and ocean explorer. He is best known for his underwater photography and television series The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. However, Cousteau’s famous films wouldn’t have been possible without another of his key contributions to the world of ocean exploration: the Aqua-Lung. The Aqua-Lung was an innovative way to breathe underwater, using air tanks, hoses, and equipment that connected to the diver’s body. Cousteau invented the Aqua-Lung with French engineer Émile Gagnan in 1943. The Aqua-Lung soon became known as SCUBA, which stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing
. This important invention allowed Cousteau to film the beautiful and mysterious world under the sea longer and more comfortably.
Text 2:
Through his photography and television show, French adventurer and conservationist Jacques Cousteau took millions of viewers into the ocean’s depths and brought beautiful marine life into their living rooms. However, his work was only made possible by his inventions. One such invention was “the Calypso,” the world’s first waterproof camera, which he invented with Belgian engineer Jean de Wouters. Before the camera was released in the 1960s, taking pictures underwater required fitting a regular camera with special equipment like a sealed case. But Cousteau didn’t want to fuss with equipment when he was inspired to take underwater pictures. He wanted a camera that could be brought into water at a moment’s notice.
Part A: Which idea about Jacques Cousteau is presented in both Text 1 and Text 2?
Choose 1 answer:
Part B: Which sentence from Text 1 best supports the answer to Part A?
Choose 1 answer: