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What is in this unit?

This unit is a work-in-progress. As our Financial Literacy course grows, so will this unit. Stay tuned!

Welcome to Financial Literacy teacher resources!

Welcome to a comprehensive unit of our Financial Literacy course, ideal for educators, parents, and mentors aiming to instill essential money management skills in students. In this unit, you'll have access to a variety of resources, each designed to support the existing units in Financial Literacy:
  • "About This Unit" Videos: Quick, educator-focused videos from Sal Khan that offer an overview of the unit's content.
  • Real World Relevance Videos: Entertaining clips that connect key financial concepts to everyday life with a touch of humor.
  • Unit Objectives: Clearly stated goals using "student will" language to guide learning and aid in lesson planning.
  • Extension Activities: Engaging higher-level tasks, including a compare & contrast suggestion, an interview activity, a game, and a real-world application project.
These resources come together to create a dynamic educational experience, ensuring that students not only learn financial concepts but also understand how to apply them in their lives. Let's take a more detailed look at what you can expect rom each unit's resource:

Unit overview video

Each lesson starts with a "about this unit" introductory video from Sal Khan, tailored specifically for educators. These brief 2-3 minute videos are ideal for educators seeking to familiarize themselves with the unit's scope and focus before diving into instruction. They provide a clear outline of what will be covered, the key teaching points, and how the content can be woven into your teaching narrative.
These videos serve as an excellent resource to help you plan your lessons and to frame the context of the upcoming unit for a more impactful student learning experience.

Real-world video

The real world videos within this unit are a must-see highlight, crafted to entertain while they educate. They feature a blend of humor and inquisitive presentation that brings the unit's most critical concept to life, illustrating its relevance in everyday situations encountered by real people.
These videos promise to be a hit in the classroom, not only getting your students chuckling but also stimulating conversation and deep reflection on the material. They are an invaluable asset for making the learning experience both memorable and relatable, ensuring that the core lessons resonate well beyond the classroom.

Learning objectives and key concepts

The unit objectives section is crafted to seamlessly integrate into your lesson plans, utilizing clear "student will" language. Each objective is accompanied by a concise description of the lessons ahead, encompassing essential key terms and essential concepts.
You will find the learning outcomes thoroughly articulated—for instance, "at the end of the unit, the student will be able to build a budget that addresses three major categories: needs, wants, and savings." This clarity and structure not only assist educators in setting clear expectations but also empower students by outlining the specific skills and knowledge they will gain, ensuring that every lesson is both purposeful and transparent.

Extension activities

This section is specifically designed to provide educators with engaging extension activities that elevate students’ critical thinking skills, adhering to the higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. Here, you'll find a diverse set of activities including:
  • compare and contrast suggestion that encourages students to explore similarities and differences in financial concepts,
  • an interview task promoting inquiry and communication,
  • an interactive game for a lively class or individual challenge, complete with all necessary materials, and
  • a real-world relevance activity that connects knowledge to everyday financial situations.
These activities are created to stimulate analysis, evaluation, and creation, ensuring a deeper understanding and application of the unit's content.


As we acknowledge that there are currently only three units covered in this stage of our expanding Financial Literacy course, we want to emphasize that this is simply the first phase of a work in progress. We are too excited about the potential of these educational resources to hold back, and therefore we've chosen to share them with you as we continue to craft additional coverage. More comprehensive and immersive content is on the horizon and will soon complement the existing material.
In the meantime, let's get started!

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