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Taxation without representation


“Whereas, the honorable House of Commons in England have of late drawn into question how far the General Assembly of this colony hath power to enact laws for laying of taxes and imposing duties, payable by the people of this, his majesty’s most ancient colony: . . . the House of Burgesses of this present General Assembly have come to the following resolves:-- . . . Resolved, That . . . without interruption enjoyed the inestimable right of being governed by such laws, respecting their internal polity and taxation, as are from their own consent, with the approbation of their sovereign, or his substitute; and that the same hath never been forfeited or yielded up, but hath been constantly recognized by the kings and people of Great Britain.”
-Source: Patrick Henry, Virginia Resolves, 1765
The author of this excerpt was most likely inspired by which of the following movements?
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