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AP®︎ CSP content aligned to standards

This page lists every piece of course content once and shows all the standards covered by that content. So, standards may appear more than once in this view. If you would like to quickly see all of the course content aligned to a particular standard, the Standards aligned to content page may be better suited.

How to use this mapping

Each of our units is listed with a table of its contents, with the course content on the left side (Lessons ☰, Articles 📝, Videos 📺, and Exercises ✅) and the covered standards on the right side.
Place your cursor over a standard to reveal its description. Click a piece of course content to visit that Unit, Lesson, Article, Video, or Exercise.
If you’re looking for all of the course content that’s aligned with a particular standard, you can use the “Find” feature of your browser to search for the standard or use the Standards aligned to content page.
Bits and bytes
📝 How do computers represent data?
📺 Binary & data
📝 Bits (binary digits)
Bits (binary digits)
📝 Bytes
Binary numbers
📝 Binary numbers
📺 Decimal system refresher
📺 The binary number system
📺 Converting decimal numbers to binary
📺 Patterns in binary numbers
Binary numbers
Limitations of storing numbers
📝 Number limits, overflow, and roundoff
Number limits, overflow, and roundoff
Storing text in binary
📝 Storing text in binary
Storing text in binary
Converting analog data to binary
📝 Converting analog data to binary
Converting analog data to binary
Lossless data compression
📝 The need for compression
📝 Lossless text compression
📝 Lossless image compression
📝 Lossless bit compression
Lossless file compression
Lossy data compression
📝 Lossy compression
Lossy vs. lossless compression
Digital copyright and licenses
📝 Copyright, DRM, and the DMCA
📝 Creative commons and open source
📝 Open access research
Digital copyright and licenses
Introducing the Internet
📺 What is the Internet?
📝 The ingredients of the Internet
Connecting networks
📝 Computer networks
📝 Physical network connections
Computer networks
📝 Bit rate, bandwidth, and latency
Bit rate and bandwidth
Addressing the Internet
📝 IP addresses
📝 IP address hierarchy
Internet addressing protocol
Routing with redundancy
📝 IP packets
📝 Internet routing protocol
Internet routing protocol
📝 Redundancy and fault tolerance
Redundancy and fault tolerance
Transporting packets
📝 The problems with packets
📝 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
📝 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Transporting packets
Web protocols
📝 The World Wide Web
📝 Domain Name System (DNS)
📝 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Web protocols
Scalable systems
📝 Scalable systems
Scalable systems
The Internet protocol suite
📝 The Internet protocol suite
The Internet protocol suite
Open protocol development
📝 Open protocol development
Open protocol development
The digital divide
📝 The global digital divide
📝 The geographic digital divide
📝 The socioeconomic digital divide
📝 The digital use divide
The digital divide
What is programming?
📝 Our first program
📝 Understanding pseudocode
Programming basics
📝 Storing data in variables
Storing data in variables
📝 Mathematical expressions
Mathematical expressions
📝 Mathematical procedures and constants
Mathematical procedures and constants
📝 Storing strings in variables
Storing strings in variables
📝 String operations
String operations
📝 Conditionals with if, else, and Booleans
Conditionals with if, else, and Booleans
📝 Nested conditionals
Nested conditionals
📝 Compound Booleans with logical operators
Compound Booleans with logical operators
📝 Defining a procedure
Defining a procedure
📝 Procedures with parameters
Procedures with parameters
📝 Procedures with return values
Procedures with return values
📝 Numbered repetition of instructions
Numbered repetition of instructions
📝 Conditional repetition of instructions
Conditional repetition of instructions
📝 Storing and updating lists
Storing and updating lists
📝 Iterating over lists with loops
Iterating over lists with loops
Building algorithms
📝 The building blocks of algorithms
The building blocks of algorithms
📝 Expressing an algorithm
Expressing an algorithm
Evaluating algorithms
📝 Verifying an algorithm
Verifying an algorithm
📝 Measuring an algorithm's efficiency
Measuring an algorithm's efficiency
📝 Categorizing run time efficiency
Categorizing run time efficiency
Solving hard problems
📝 Using heuristics
📝 Undecidable problems
Solving hard problems
Parallel and distributed computing
📝 Parallel computing
📝 Try parallel computing yourself
Parallel computing
📝 Distributed computing
Distributed computing
Data tools
📝 Storing data sets
📝 Computing basic statistics
Computing basic statistics
📝 Finding patterns in data sets
Finding patterns in data sets
Big data
📝 The era of big data
📝 The sources of big data
📝 The challenges of big data
Big data
Bias in machine learning
📝 Machine learning algorithms
📝 Bias in predictive algorithms
📝 Bias in facial recognition
📝 Bias in language translation
Bias in machine learning
Exploring simulations
📝 What's a simulation?
📝 Simulations in physics
📝 Simulations in astronomy
📝 Simulations in health & medicine
Simulating randomness
📝 Generating random numbers
Generating random numbers
Creating simulations
📝 Programming a simple simulation
Programming simple simulations
Introduction to online data security
📝 Why care about data security?
PII (Personally identifiable information)
📝 PII (Personally identifiable information)
PII (Personally identifiable information)
User data tracking
📝 Web cookies
📝 Search history
📝 Browsing history
User history
📝 Geolocation
Cyber attacks
📝 Phishing attacks
Phishing attacks
📝 Rogue access points
Rogue access points
📝 Computer malware
Computer malware
Data encryption techniques
📝 The need for encryption
📝 Encryption, decryption, and cracking
📝 Symmetric encryption techniques
📝 Public key encryption
Data encryption techniques
Secure Internet protocols
📝 Transport Layer Security (TLS)
📝 Digital certificates
Digital certificates
📝 HTTP Secure (HTTPS)
User authentication methods
📝 Strong passwords
📝 Multi-factor authentication
User authentication methods
Communication innovations
📝 Communication at light speed
📝 Email
📝 Social media
Impact of communication innovations
Collaboration innovations
📝 Group chat
📝 Videoconferencing
📝 Collaborative software
Impact of collaboration innovations
Crowdsourcing innovations
📝 Crowdsourcing with a global crowd
📝 Collective knowledge
📝 Crowdfunding
📝 Human computation
📝 Citizen science
📝 Open innovation platforms
Impact of crowdsourcing innovations
Monitoring innovations
📝 Sensors
📝 Sensor networks
📝 Smart buildings, transport, and grids

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